Author Archives: admin

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Do not worry about tomorrow.” In these weeks, as we follow the Sermon on the Mount in Saint Matthew’s Gospel, it can feel as though we are dealing with some very obvious and familiar teachings. Last week we had “Love … Continue reading

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7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “Love your enemies.” Love your neighbour as yourself.” These are words we associate so clearly with the teaching of Jesus and the way of life the Gospel calls us to. But it may be a surprise to some people … Continue reading

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6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “You have learnt how it was said to your ancestors; but I say this to you.” Back in the 60s some groups adopted” Jesus Christ as an icon of rebellion, overturning authority and tearing up the rule book, possibly … Continue reading

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5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  You are the light of the world While the world may seem to be very indifferent to Christianity most of the time, it can be very critical of Christians who do not seem to be following the most basic … Continue reading

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4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  Last week we heard Saint Matthew describing the beginnings of Jesus’ public ministry. This week Saint Matthew begins the most important summary of the proclamation of the kingdom of God – what we refer to as the “Sermon on … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

  He went and settled in Capernaum: in this way the prophecy of Isaiah was to be fulfilled. We will spend most of the Sundays of the coming year in the company of Saint Matthew. His Gospel (like the others … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

  Look, there is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. There is no break between Christmas and Ordinary Time – one flows almost seamlessly into the other through the Baptism of Jesus. We ended … Continue reading

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The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

“We saw his star and have come to do the king homage.” In the East, this Season of Christmas is called the ‘Time of Manifestation’, or Showing. Today is the ‘Feast of the Manifestation’, or the Showing of the Saviour … Continue reading

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Christmastide & New Year

Wishing everyone a very Happy and Holy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year From Canon John   Christmastide & New Year 2016 Newsletter

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4th Sunday of Advent

  Jesus is born of Mary who was betrothed to Joseph, son of David Here we enter a new stage of Advent: having spent so much time on the Second Coming, now we look back, to remember the details of the … Continue reading

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