Please complete the requested details:
Child’s Surname: (required) Child’s Christian Names: (required) Child’s DOB: (required) Child’s Gender (Male/Female): (required)
Father's Name: (required) Father's Religion: (required) Mother's Name: (required) Mother's Maiden Name: (required) Mother's Religion: (required) Address: (required) Postcode: (required) Telephone No (required) Your Email (required)
Please note at least one godparent should be baptised in the Roman Catholic Church. Other godparents should be Christian witnesses
Godparent Name: Godparent Religion: Godparent Name: Godparent Religion: Godparent Name: Godparent Religion: Godparent Name: Godparent Religion:
In asking to have my child baptised, we the legal parents acknowledge our responsibility for the education of our child in the Faith. With God's help, we promise to carry out that responsibility through both word and example. By typing our names below we understand the conditions of Baptism.
Father's Name: (required)
Mother's Name: (required)