Parish Prayer Group

7:30pm – 9:30pm
Our Lady’s Church, St. Anne’s Room
The purpose of the Parish Prayer Group is:
- To Praise and Worship God
- To offer witness of God’s presence with us and to provide a forum in which people can come and experience God’s love and the fellowship of the community in a relaxed and informal setting
- To build relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
- To exercise the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- To pre-evangelise and evangelise
- To help members build their prayer life
- To be a place people can be invited without commitment to begin their faith journey or somewhere for people to continue their journey after, say, an introduction through Alpha
- To help form community
The format of the meeting, generally, is as follows – but always open to the leading of the Holy Spirit:
- Opening Prayer
- A period of Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving
- A Teaching and reflection/Scripture Reading – this could be on the Gospel of the following Sunday since it makes Sunday Mass, and the days before it, more meaningful. It can be given by a priest, religious or lay person. However, I think that we could run various themes at different times of the year and look at different prayer types
- A period of Worship and Adoration beginning with music and entering a time of silent contemplation
- A time of intercession, prayer for specific people or needs – sometimes laying on of hands for healing
- A final chorus and closing prayer
- Notices and the sign of peace
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