Category Archives: Newsletters

2nd Sunday of Advent

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand Throughout the first three weeks of Advent our focus is very clearly on the End of Time, and the Second Coming of the Lord – not on the run up … Continue reading

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1st Sunday of Advent

  Advent opens with a great promise: “In the days to come the hope of a people who need God. “The master is coming is also a promise, not a threat to breed fear, but to answer our cry. So … Continue reading

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Christ The King

Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. The year of Saint Luke ends with a characteristic take on the feast of Christ the King: in Luke’s gospel we are so familiar with seeing and hearing the voiceless, the … Continue reading

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33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

“You have been faithful in small things: come and join in your Master’s happiness!   We must be very careful that the real point of today’s first reading is not washed away in genuine concerns over what one can and … Continue reading

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32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

He is God, not of the dead, but of the living   It is fortuitous that this passage of the Gospel is normally read near to the beginning of November, when we have celebrated the feasts of All Saints and … Continue reading

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31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Son of Man has come to seek out and save what was lost There is a subversive humour in today’s Gospel which turns upside down the conventions of everyday life: we see a senior tax official climbing up a … Continue reading

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30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

World Mission Sunday The publican went home at rights with God; the Pharisee did not. A few weeks ago (22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) we had a Gospel about humility in social life – today we hear the Lord reiterating … Continue reading

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29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

God will see justice done to his chosen who cry to him Perhaps the hardest Olympic event is the marathon: not only does it demand strength and fitness, but it calls for immense perseverance and endurance. Life in general and … Continue reading

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28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

No one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner.   There are many messages in today’s Gospel: the power of God to heal, the compassion of Jesus for those in need, the fact that a despised … Continue reading

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27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

If only you had faith! Faithfulness, faith and trust. These most invisible and difficult things are what God asks of us just as we, in our own way, ask them of those who love us. Trust me, we say, all … Continue reading

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