Category Archives: Newsletters

3rd Sunday of Advent

This Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday, Rejoice Sunday”. This comes from the readings we hear today, and it underlines an important point. In the Gospel, we hear John the Baptist telling different groups what to do – they must repent, … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Advent

Again we hear about the coming “Day of Christ”, and meet the character of John the Baptist. Just as once before he prepared the way” for the coming of Christ, so today he does the same for us. Our hearts … Continue reading

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1st Sunday of Advent

  “Your liberation is near at hand.” As usual, the great Season of Advent begins, not by talking about Christmas, but about the Second Coming. We’ve had this theme already for the past two weeks, but there is a slight … Continue reading

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Christ The King

“It is you who say I am a king.” Every time we complete the cycle of the liturgical year, there is a seamless blending into the new year: so, just as this week we hear of the King who is … Continue reading

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33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

“He will gather his chosen from the four winds.” As always at this time of year, we begin to contemplate the end of the world ‑ a theme that carries us over next Sunday’s feast (Christ the King) and so … Continue reading

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32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

“This poor widow has put in more than all.” God does not have favourites”, Saint Paul tells us, but God always makes a special place for the poor, and those whom society would push into second place. In the traditions … Continue reading

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The Solemnity of All Saints

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven!” “A huge number, impossible to count” – that is the picture this Solemnity creates. In every age there have been men and women who have followed the Lord … Continue reading

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30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Master, let me see again.” All of Jesus miracles can be read in many different ways: there is always a message almost a parable behind each one, that tells us something about God, about his care for his people, about … Continue reading

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29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many.” It’s often the case that the values of the Gospel contradict the values of the World sometimes to the extent that the one is the exact … Continue reading

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28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Go and sell everything you own and follow me.” In today’s story of the rich young man, who comes to Jesus full of good intentions, there are some simple words that speak so clearly to our own age: when Jesus … Continue reading

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