Category Archives: Newsletters

17th Sunday Of Ordinary Time

“Jesus gave out as much as was wanted to all who were sitting ready.” For the next five weeks we take our leave of Saint Mark’s Gospel (since it is not long enough to fill the year) and read Chapter … Continue reading

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16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“They were like sheep without a shepherd.” “Sheep without a shepherd.” This is the simple theme of today’s readings. It is interest­ing that Jesus’ reaction to the crowd is one of pity – as he sees their great thirst for … Continue reading

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15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “He began to send them out.” Again it is prophecy that is our theme (see last week). Here, we concentrate on the sending of prophets, the entrusting of the mission to them, and most importantly the neces­sary qualifications to … Continue reading

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14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

A prophet is only despised in his own country.” A prophet’s job is to open people’s eyes to the reality of their situation ‑ pointing out to them the things they would rather forget or ignore. A prophet is a … Continue reading

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You are Peter, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Peter and Paul are the two great heroes of the Apostolic Age ‑ Peter for leading the first Christian communities and binding them in unity, … Continue reading

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  Everyone on this earth belongs to God. All are made in his image. Therefore it is right that all men and women, ‘from the rising to the setting of the sun’, should know the God to whom they belong. … Continue reading

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Easter Sunday

  A Happy and Peaceful Easter to you all from Canon John, Deacon Peter and Sr Thecla

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