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The key to today’s readings is the word “Covenant”. A Covenant is a solemn and bind­ing agreement between two parties, which es­tablishes the way in which each party will behave towards the other. It establishes rights and duties, and forges … Continue reading

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“Baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” When the Church celebrates the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, it is an attempt to sum­marise the whole mystery of our God … Continue reading

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“The Spirit of truth will lead you to the complete truth.” We arrive at the fiftieth day ‑ the completion of the Easter Season, and the completion of the Paschal Mystery: the Lord has died, is risen, has ascended to … Continue reading

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Ascension in not just a feast that happens to fall in Eastertide: it is an integral part of the Easter mystery. Remember the Lord’s words at the Last Supper: “I am going to prepare a place for, and after I … Continue reading

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6th Sunday of Easter

There are two obvious themes to today’s readings: Saint Peter summarises many of the ideas of Easter – baptism, the name of Jesus, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit; the other readings talk simply of love, both God’s love … Continue reading

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5th Sunday of Easter

Last week it was sheep: this week, the vine. Jesus offers us another (agricultural) image to explain the mystery of his offering of himself, and our belonging to him, our being part of him, which comes about through the sacrament … Continue reading

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4th Sunday of Easter

GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY This is traditionally called “Good Shepherd Sunday” because of the Gospel narratives (from John 10) read each year, in which Jesus talks of himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his flock. A … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday Of Easter

We continue to think about the Resurrection this week, from three different perspectives: the Gospel gives us another story of Jesus appearing to his disciples – this time the beautiful story of the meeting in Jerusalem, when Jesus proves he … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Easter

Eight days later, Jesus came. After the joys and exuberance of Easter Sunday and Easter Week, we settle down into the longest Season in the Church’s Year – Eastertide. This period of fifty days is a time of sustained gladness, … Continue reading

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Easter Sunday

When the Word is proclaimed, it is real and active the Lord is present, and what is described is, in a sense, happening now. On certain days this is made more obvious by the selection of scripture that refers to … Continue reading

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