Author Archives: admin

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ask, and it will be given to you. When we see the child in the sweet shop nagging and moaning at mum or dad for something, we probably don’t think of it as a model of our prayer lives! And … Continue reading

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16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Martha welcomed Jesus into her house. Mary has chosen the better part. Sacred Hospitality is our theme: as the letter to the Hebrews says: “remember always to welcome strangers, for by doing this some people have entertained angels without knowing … Continue reading

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15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Who is my neighbour?” Both first reading and Gospel today invite us to be “down to earth” about the Law of God. It’s very easy to become an “expert in religion” – knowing all the right answers, remembering all the … Continue reading

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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Your peace will rest on that man.”   The link between the First Reading and Gospel is not immediately apparent today, until you look at the “headings” which are always chosen “to make the connection between readings of the same … Continue reading

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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem.” “I will follow you wherever you go.” There is a sense of urgency about discipleship – almost like emergency services responding to a crisis, in the Gospel today there is no time to … Continue reading

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12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  “You are the Christ of God. The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously” Out of a seemingly innocent question comes the dark shadow of the cross: Jesus must teach his disciples that to be the “Anointed One”, … Continue reading

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11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Her many sins have been forgiven, or she would not have shown such great love.” The “theme” of the First Reading, Psalm and Gospel today is “forgiveness of sins”. We hear the touching Gospel story, of the “woman with a … Continue reading

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10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Young man, I tell you to get up!” These Sundays of Ordinary Time will not appear every year, since the great solemnities of Pentecost, Trinity and Corpus Christi will displace them. So it can be a bit of an abrupt … Continue reading

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The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

This is another feast that is now celebrated on Sundays in England and Wales – which will hopefully allow more people to enter into the mystery of the Eucharist we celebrate! The Eucharist is not an invention of the Church: … Continue reading

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The Most Holy Trinity

This Sunday is all about the “Divine Community” – in other words, the way in which our God is in himself a communion of love: Father, Son and Spirit, distinct yet perfectly united – three persons, one God. We hear … Continue reading

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