Author Archives: admin

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Go and sell everything you own and follow me.” In today’s story of the rich young man, who comes to Jesus full of good intentions, there are some simple words that speak so clearly to our own age: when Jesus … Continue reading

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27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“What God has united, man must not divide.” Today we tackle the issue of marriage and divorce; Jesus is asked an awkward question about the legality of divorce. He lays down very clearly that what God intends for marriage is … Continue reading

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26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Anyone who is not against us, is for us. If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off.” There is a peculiar type of pettiness that will not allow someone to do what others do (even if ‑ … Continue reading

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25th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“The Son of Man will be delivered. If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself servant of all.”   The tone of the Gospel begins to grow darker: Jesus is now on his way to Jerusalem, where he … Continue reading

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24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “You are the Christ.” “The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously.” As we follow through the Gospel of Saint Mark we come to an important turning point this week: after the preaching, the miracles and the journey … Continue reading

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23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

“He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.” What shows us the presence of God? In the Biblical world it was miracles ‑ signs, which pointed towards the emergence of a new Kingdom, the Kingdom of God. This had … Continue reading

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22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “You put aside the commandment of God to cling to human traditions.” We now return to Saint Mark, for the rest of the year. The Gospel brings out one of the central problems of all religion: the way in … Continue reading

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21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Whom shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life.” Failure, rejection and isolation: these are the themes of today’s remarkable Gospel ‑ but they are not all. In the face of them we see persever­ance, fidelity and … Continue reading

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The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Almighty has done great things for me, he has exalted the lowly. This great feast is a twin to the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Then, if you recall, the preface of the Mass contained these words: … Continue reading

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19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.” The bread that comes down from heaven is not just a bread which nourishes the body, but one which gives renewed life ‑ be this in the form of … Continue reading

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