“What God has united, man must not divide.”
Today we tackle the issue of marriage and divorce; Jesus is asked an awkward question about the legality of divorce. He lays down very clearly that what God intends for marriage is what is found in Genesis (where the “two become one” for all time) rather than the dispensation granted through Moses (permitting a writ of divorce) which was an exception, not the rule. Here it is clear that Jesus abrogates this Old Testament procedure ‑ a point emphasised when the disciples press him further on this issue on getting back home. While it is important for us to be sensitive and understanding towards those whose marriages have gone awry, we must be careful to let the teachings of the Lord speak for themselves.
O blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways! By the labour of your hands you shall eat. You will be happy and prosper. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in the heart of your house; your children like shoots of olive, around your table. Indeed thus shall be blessed the man who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion in a happy Jerusalem all the days of your life! May you see your children’s children. On Israel, peace!
First Reading: Gen 2:18-24
Second Reading: Heb 2:9-11
Gospel Reading: Mark 10:2-16
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2015 Newsletter
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