Author Archives: michael.rewaj

The Healing of Humanity in its Wholeness | Homily from the Mass for the Sick

Fr. Daniel’s homily from the Mass for the Sick, with the Anointing of the Sick is now available to view on the Parish YouTube channel:

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Intentional Focussed Discipleship: Homily from the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul

Fr. Daniel’s homily from the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul is now available to view on the Parish Youtube Channel: Don’t forget to subscribe!

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Homily: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Daniel’s homily is now available to view on the parish YouTube channel: Fr. Daniels homilies are also available as a podcast – available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & more!

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Homily: Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. Daniel’s homily from the Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to view on the Parish YouTube channel. Please consider subscribing if you’re a regular viewer!

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Homily: Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. Daniel’s homily from the Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to view on the parish YouTube channel:

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