Category Archives: Newsletters

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Anyone who does not take his cross is not worthy of me. Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me. The Gospel and First Reading this Sunday can be summed up in one word: “hospitality. But not hospitality in general – this … Continue reading

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Do not be afraid of those who kill the body Today’s Gospel turns our thoughts to the strange phenomenon of persecution: throughout the history of mankind, the truth has been a commodity that often leads to persecution: the prophets of … Continue reading

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The Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink The Eucharist – the Body and Blood of Christ – is a mystery with so many layers and a depth that takes more than a lifetime to penetrate. It … Continue reading

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  God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved. We begin our Summer ‘Ordinary Time’ by celebrating a strange feast – not of a particular saint or event, but of the awesome paradoxes of our … Continue reading

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Pentecost Sunday

As the Father sent me, so am I sending you: receive the Holy Spirit We arrive at the fiftieth day – the completion of the Easter Season, and the completion of the Paschal Mystery: the Lord has died, is risen, … Continue reading

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All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me Ascension is not just a feast that happens to fall in Eastertide: it is an integral part of the Easter mystery. Remember the Lord’s words at the Last … Continue reading

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6th Sunday of Easter

I shall ask the Father, and he shall give you another Advocate By now we are some distance away from Easter, but the season is still permeated with the Easter message: Christ is risen, we are baptised in him. But … Continue reading

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5th Sunday of Easter – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

We continue to explore the meaning of baptism, of membership of the Church, of living a life which has been immersed in the life and death of Jesus Christ: in other words, we continue our ‘Mystagogy’ – our training in … Continue reading

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4th Sunday Of Easter – GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY

  This Sunday is traditionally called ‘Good Shepherd Sunday, because of the Gospel references to Jesus as the Good Shepherd. It is also the day of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood. On this Sunday we hear one of the … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday of Easter

They recognised him at the breaking of bread During the Season of Easter we walk with the Risen Lord, enjoying his appearing to his disciples. Today’s gospel is one of the loveliest accounts of his appearing – and one especially … Continue reading

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