24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



24th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph


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Homily – 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. Daniel’s Homily for 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to listen to as a podcast.


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23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


Cherishing Our Heritage Letter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph


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Homily – Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. Daniel’s Homily for the Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to listen to as a podcast


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22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph


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21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



21st Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph


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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



The Assumption of the BVM 2021 newsletter 2021


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph


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19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



19th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph


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COVID-19 Restrictions: Parish Update

COVID-19 Restrictions: Parish Update

Over the weekend, the Welsh Government has moved the COVID-19 alert level down to 0. This change will have implications for our parish community. To allow the Risk Assessment to be carried out in both churches, these changes will take effect in the parish from Monday, 9th August 2021. The changes to the regulations include:

  • The removal of legal restrictions on the number of people who can meet indoors. These include the removal of the social distancing and one way regulations in our churches.
  • There is no need to sanitise the buildings with the fogger in between uses.
  • No stewards are now required to show people to their designated seats.
  • Face marks continue to be a legal requirement in Wales, unless you are exempt and wear the lanyard.
  • Track and Trace remains a legal requirement upon entry. Please ensure that a telephone number is provided on the form.
  • Altar servers can resume their ministry. Please could altar servers speak with Fr. Daniel.

Whilst I am very much looking forward to seeing the easing of many of these restrictions for the celebration of Mass, we must nonetheless proceed with caution. As the Prime Minister said recently: “the pandemic is not over”. There is a collective responsibility among all of us to ensure the safety of all worshippers so that our churches continue to be a safe environment to worship Almighty God. If you have any of the Coronavirus symptoms, please follow the government guidelines, isolate immediately and contact the NHS for more information.

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Change of Mass Time

Change of Mass Time

Since my arrival in the parish on 30th June, I have become very conscious that the two vigil Masses are very close together with not much space in between; with the temporary Mass at Our Lady’s Mass being celebrated at 4:00pm followed by the St. David’s Mass at 5:00pm. At the moment, both Saturday evening congregations are affected by these close times: Our Lady’s because I feel like I am rushing through the Mass, and have to dash straight off afterwards; St. David’s because each Mass has begun later than advertised.

Effective from next Saturday, 7th August, the new Mass schedule will be:

4:15pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation (St. David’s)
5:00pm – Holy Mass (St. David’s)
6:30pm – Holy Mass (Our Lady’s)

I intend for the additional Mass at Our Lady’s to remain after the restrictions ease, giving more opportunity to attend Mass. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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