Baptism Preparation Courses
It is essential that each parent attend the Baptism Preparation Course prior to the celebration of Baptism. This is run by one of the parish catechists. It is also encouraged the the Godparents of your child attend the course, as they have an important role to support you, as parents, in bringing up your child in the practice of the faith. The dates for the Preparation Course are scheduled as follows:
- Saturday, 14th January 2023
- Saturday, 11th March 2023
- Saturday, 8th July 2023
- Saturday, 14th October 2023
- Saturday, 13th January 2024
The course will take place in the St. Anne’s Room of Our Lady’s Church, and will take place from 11:00am until 1:30pm.
Please contact the Parish Office to book a space.
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