29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

God will see justice done to his chosen who cry to him.


The Word This Week

Perhaps the hardest Olympic event is the marathon: not only does it demand strength and fitness, but it calls for immense perseverance and endurance. Life in general and the Christian life in particular, is a marathon. We will face hills and mountains as well as valleys and gentle slopes in life: we will face obstacles and pressures which will make us want to say, as the prophet Elijah did, “Lord, it is enough!” Especially in our lifetime of prayer, there will be times when we say “Lord, I can go no further.” Jesus himself understands the need for perseverance in prayer, and the temptation to lose heart, which is why he offers us this parable and teaching today. And remember the thought from the first reading: sometimes we may need to hold each other in our praying!

First reading: Exodus 17:8-13

Res: Our help is in the name of the  Lord who made heaven and earth

Second reading: 2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:2

Gospel Reading: Luke 18:1-8

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