2nd Sunday of Easter


Often people forget that Easter is not just a day, but a season – the longest in the Church’s year, in fact!  We are given fifty glorious days of Spring and Summer to prolong our baptismal joy, fifty glorious days of basking in the light of the risen Saviour. It seems a shame that after the efforts we put into Lent we don’t celebrate Eastertide with the same enthusiasm. The readings of this Season have their origins in the instruction given to converts in the early Church: in Lent, the readings were the basis of catechesis on the forthcoming baptism; in Easter the readings are “Mystagogy” – a type of teaching where the newly baptised (“neophytes”) learn through taking part in the celebration of the sacraments and hearing the word. On the Sundays we hear who Jesus is, and on weekdays hear about Baptism and the Eucharist. This “Mystagogy” is not just to nourish the neophytes, but to help all of us deepen our life in the risen Lord Jesus.  This Sunday we are with the disciples in the Upper Room, where eight days after the Resurrection Jesus comes among them – as he comes among us.

2nd Sunday of Easter 2017 Newsletter



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