Author Archives: admin

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted. The Word This Week Humble behaviour is the mark of the Christian, as it always was the mark of someone “in favour with the … Continue reading

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21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Men from east and west will come to take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. The Word This Week It’s probably a nightmare we all share to some degree or other – being locked out of … Continue reading

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20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

I am not here to bring peace, but rather division. The Word This Week When we consider the Christian life, we often think in positive terms: peace, light, joy, goodness, life. And yet, as the Scriptures remind us today, that … Continue reading

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19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

You too must stand ready. The Word This Week Vigilance: we wait for glory or ruin, salvation or disaster. This is the choice that faces the Christian each and every day, as we wait for the Lord to return, as … Continue reading

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18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

This hoard of yours, whose will it be? The Word This Week Today we contemplate a great truth about our life: you can’t take it with you. The old phrase “There are no pockets in a shroud” is what we … Continue reading

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17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Ask, and it will be given to you. The Word This Week When we see the child in the sweet shop nagging and moaning at mum or dad for something, we probably don’t think of it as a model of … Continue reading

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16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Martha welcomed Jesus into her house. Mary has chosen the better part. The Word This Week Sacred Hospitality is our theme: as the letter to the Hebrews says: “remember always to welcome strangers, for by doing this some people have … Continue reading

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15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Who is my neighbour? The Word This Week Both first reading and Gospel today invite us to be “down to earth” about the Law of God. It’s very easy to become an “expert in religion” – knowing all the right … Continue reading

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14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Your peace will rest on that man. The Word This Week The link between the First Reading and Gospel is not immediately apparent today, until you look at the “headings” which are always chosen “to make the connection between readings … Continue reading

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SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles

You are Peter, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. The Word this Week Peter and Paul are the two great heroes of the Apostolic Age ‑ Peter for leading the first Christian communities and … Continue reading

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