Category Archives: Newsletters

2nd Sunday of Easter

  Often people forget that Easter is not just a day, but a season – the longest in the Church’s year, in fact!  We are given fifty glorious days of Spring and Summer to prolong our baptismal joy, fifty glorious … Continue reading

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Easter Sunday

“Christ our Passover has been sacrificed; let us celebrate the feast then, in the Lord.”   When the Word is proclaimed, it is real and active – the Lord is present, and what is described is, in a sense, happening … Continue reading

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Palm Sunday

  Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! On Palm Sunday the long reading of the Passion dominates the celebration, and in a sense its meaning is obvious. Do not allow this, however, to detract from … Continue reading

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5th Sunday of Lent

I am the resurrection and the life The Gospel of the Fifth Sunday is perhaps the deepest meditation on the mystery of Baptism and membership of the Church. It is a prelude to the events of Easter Sunday, when we … Continue reading

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4th Sunday of Lent

He went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored When we get to Easter, there are two symbols of the resurrection that we use in Church: fire and light (the Easter Candle) and water (the Font). … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday of Lent

A spring of water welling up to eternal life The Gospel of the third Sunday is the remarkable conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman by the well, the theme is water – which gives life, which cleanses, which is … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Lent

Lent is a Season of preparation for the whole Paschal Triduum, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday: not just a time to reflect on the Cross. Often our Lenten devotions can focus exclusively on the Cross, and the idea … Continue reading

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1st Sunday of Lent

  In the Cycle of Sunday Readings, the oldest are those of Year A in Lent these Gospels have accompanied the Church for many centuries. We must realise why: Lent was originally the time of immediate preparation of candidates for … Continue reading

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8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“Do not worry about tomorrow.” In these weeks, as we follow the Sermon on the Mount in Saint Matthew’s Gospel, it can feel as though we are dealing with some very obvious and familiar teachings. Last week we had “Love … Continue reading

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7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “Love your enemies.” Love your neighbour as yourself.” These are words we associate so clearly with the teaching of Jesus and the way of life the Gospel calls us to. But it may be a surprise to some people … Continue reading

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