Category Archives: Uncategorized

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

There is no break between Christmas and Ordinary Time – one flows almost seamlessly into the other through the Baptism of Jesus. We ended our Christmas Season thinking about the “revelation” of the Son of God – people realising who … Continue reading

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The Baptism of the Lord

It may seem strange, but this is a Christmas Feast. Not if we think of Christmas only in terms of the Baby in Bethlehem, but if we have followed the ideas of the Feasts of Holy Family and especially Epiphany, … Continue reading

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The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

In the East, this Season of Christmas is called the “Time of Manifestation”, or Showing. Today is the ‘Feast of the Manifestation’, or the Showing of the Saviour to the whole world, to all nations. In the wise men who … Continue reading

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The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

  Mass Times Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4th Our Lady’s – 12noon -12.30pm St David’s – 3.45pm -4.15pm A Happy and a Holy Christmas With best wishes for the New Year Canon John  

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Fourth Sunday of Advent

  Mass Times N.B. There will be no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Fri 27th Dec or Confessions on Sat 28th A Happy and a Holy Christmas With best wishes for the New Year Canon John  

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Third Sunday in Advent Year A (Gaudete Sunday)

Are you the one who is to come, or have we got to wait for someone else? In many ways the readings this Sunday are simply a continuation of last week – Isaiah gives us more details about the work … Continue reading

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Second Sunday in Advent Year A

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand Throughout the first three weeks of Advent our focus is very clearly on the End of Time, and the Second Coming of the Lord – not on the run up … Continue reading

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First Sunday in Advent Year A

Stay awake, so that you may be ready! Advent opens with a great promise: “In the days to come…” the hope of a people who need God. “…The master is coming” is also a promise, not a threat to breed … Continue reading

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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. The year of Saint Luke ends with a characteristic take on the feast of Christ the King: in Luke’s gospel we are so familiar with seeing and hearing the voiceless, the … Continue reading

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33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Your endurance will win you your lives The Word This Week As we approach the end of that part of Saint Luke’s Gospel before the Passion narratives, and approach the end of the Church’s year, our thoughts are turned towards … Continue reading

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