Change of Mass Time

Change of Mass Time

Since my arrival in the parish on 30th June, I have become very conscious that the two vigil Masses are very close together with not much space in between; with the temporary Mass at Our Lady’s Mass being celebrated at 4:00pm followed by the St. David’s Mass at 5:00pm. At the moment, both Saturday evening congregations are affected by these close times: Our Lady’s because I feel like I am rushing through the Mass, and have to dash straight off afterwards; St. David’s because each Mass has begun later than advertised.

Effective from next Saturday, 7th August, the new Mass schedule will be:

4:15pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation (St. David’s)
5:00pm – Holy Mass (St. David’s)
6:30pm – Holy Mass (Our Lady’s)

I intend for the additional Mass at Our Lady’s to remain after the restrictions ease, giving more opportunity to attend Mass. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


18th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


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17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


17th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


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16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

Morning Prayer:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9.40am

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


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“Then Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out in pairs…” 

When we think of a prophet, we may naturally have a particular image in our mind, a particular caricature, of what a prophet may look like. This image may be the a biblical image, such as St. John the Baptist, for example, or the prophet voice of Isaiah. The image of a prophet which we may construct could take its influence from more modern times: Mother Theresa, for example, or the great St. John Paul II. 

The prophetic vocation is not only a reserved vocation for a small few, but something which all of us receive through the grace of Baptism. At our baptisms, we were anointed priest, prophet, and king, and so are given a special mandate to “go, make disciples of all the nations”. To be sent out, to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, is the reason for our existence; it’s what enables discipleship to make sense. Just as Jesus sends out the Twelve, so are we sent out, also, to proclaim, to make Jesus known in the world. The Gospel invites us to do this with trust; trusting thatJesus will give us everything we need – and more – to turn this from a nice theory into reality. 


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15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses at Our Lady’s are live streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


15th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


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14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses at Our Lady’s are live streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


14th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


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Welcome to Fr Daniel

We welcome Fr Daniel to our Parish of Our Lady & St David and wish him well in his ministry with us.

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13th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses at Our Lady’s are live streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


13th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Prayer of St Joseph

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12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses at Our Lady’s are live streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below.  All live streams will be live and will not be available to be viewed at a later time.


12th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion



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