Author Archives: admin


We arrive at the fiftieth day ‑ the completion of the Easter Season, and the completion of the Paschal Mystery: the Lord has died, is risen, has ascended to heaven and now gives birth to his Church, by sending the … Continue reading

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Ascension of the Lord

As he blessed them he was carried up to heaven Recently the bishops of England and Wales decided to move the celebration of Ascension to this Sunday. While this moves the feast away the fortieth day, it does open up this … Continue reading

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Sixth Sunday of Easter

The Holy Spirit will remind you of all I have said to you. As Eastertide unfolds, we feel the power and influence of the Spirit growing. This is the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, and the Spirit who … Continue reading

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Fifth Sunday of Easter

“I give you a new commandment: love one another.” We are now closer to Ascension and Pentecost than Easter, but we are still in the Easter Season. The readings this Sunday begin to move us along too, as once more … Continue reading

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Fourth Sunday of Easter

World Day of Prayer for Vocations “I give eternal life to the sheep that belong to me” This is traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday, and is part of the continuing journey of Easter – remember that Jesus is the … Continue reading

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Third Sunday of Easter

  “Jesus stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to them, and the same with the fish.” The rest of the world has settled “back to normal” after Easter holidays now, but we continue to dwell on the resurrection … Continue reading

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Second Sunday of Easter

“Eight days later, Jesus came.” This week the Gospel is chosen because it relates “what happened today” – eight days after Easter, Jesus comes again to his disciples. The story of Thomas’s doubt and faith leads us to think about … Continue reading

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Easter Sunday

  “Christ our Passover has been sacrificed; let us celebrate the feast then, in the Lord.” When the Word is proclaimed, it is real and active – the Lord is present, and what is described is, in a sense, happening … Continue reading

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Palm Sunday

  Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord On Palm Sunday the long reading of the Passion dominates the celebration, and in a sense its meaning is obvious. Do not allow this, however, to detract from … Continue reading

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“If there is one of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” There is a logical development in the readings this Sunday: in the Old Testa­ment, God asks us to look … Continue reading

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