7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



7th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2023 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Parish Prayer


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Homily: Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend’s homily for the Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to watch again on the parish YouTube channel:

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6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



6th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2023 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Parish Prayer


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Homily: Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend’s homily for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to watch on the parish YouTube channel:


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5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2023 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Parish Prayer


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Homily: Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend’s homily for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to watch again on the parish YouTube channel:

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4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

All Masses are Live Streamed

To view the live stream, you will need to use the link below. 



4th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2023 Newsletter


An Act of Spiritual Communion


Parish Prayer


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February Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude Challenge 2023

Gratitude is the virtue of feeling and expressing thanks for benefits received.  It’s been called “the secret of a happy life.”  Grateful people are healthier, more alert, sleep better, and have more positive relationships.  A grateful spirit makes us aware of all that others do for us and inspires us to be helpful in return.  Frequent expressions of gratitude cost nothing but do a lot to make others feel appreciated and create a loving atmosphere in the home.

Make thankfulness part of your family culture

Culture shapes character.  If we want to raise children who are thankful, we need to create an intentional family culture that prioritises that virtue.  Gratitude rituals are one way to do that; they help thankfulness become a habit. 

Some rituals to  consider:

  • Start dinner with a round of “gratefuls” (“What are you grateful for today?”). 
  • At the end of dinner, thank the cook(s) who prepared it for all the work that went into the meal or for a part you especially enjoyed.  Also, thank whoever set the table or will be doing the dishes.
  • Make it a family practice to sincerely thank anyone who does you a service, such as those who wait on you in restaurants or stores.
  • Teach your children to thank their teachers and school staff like secretaries and custodians who might not get a lot of appreciation. 

Gratitude Prayer
by Saint Richard of Chichester (1198-1253)

Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits and blessings which you have given me, for all the pains and insults which you have borne for me. Merciful Friend, Brother and Redeemer, may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen.


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Homily: St. Peregrine’s Mass

The Mass from the St. Peregrine’s Mass for those afflicted with cancer, and those who care for them, is now available on the parish YouTube channel:


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Homily: Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend’s homily for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time is now available to watch again on the parish YouTube channel:


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