Author Archives: admin

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “The leprosy left him at once and he was cured.” Thankfully, we do not encounter leprosy in our culture. It can therefore be difficult to enter into the real depth of today’s readings. We have to understand that leprosy … Continue reading

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5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “He cured many who suffered from diseases of one kind or another.” This world, as we know, is a fragile and fallible place, in which we encounter hunger, disease, sickness and death. Jesus proclaims, by his actions of healing, … Continue reading

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4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Where does authority come from? Why is one man regarded as a prophet, and another as a lunatic, and a third as a hypocrite? Jesus startles the crowds with a ‘new teaching’ today, but what amazes them so much is … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “Repent and believe the good news!” Where does Jesus begin his ministry? Where John the Baptist left off – preaching a message of repentance, of change, to welcome the new Kingdom of God. There is a simplicity about this … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

  “Samuel, Samuel!” “Here I am!” What does it mean to be a follower of the Lord Jesus? Surely to listen and hear his voice, and to go where he leads us. Today, as we enter the ordinary season of … Continue reading

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The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

  “We saw his star and have come to do the king homage.” In the East, this Season of Christmas is called the ‘Time of Manifestation’, or Showing. Today is the ‘Feast of the Manifestation’, or the Showing of the … Continue reading

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The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

  The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (B) As an example for us to follow, the Holy Family can seem a little too perfect: when we consider the more “dramatic events of the Christmas and Easter story, it … Continue reading

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Fourth Sunday in Advent

“Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son.” Here we enter a new stage of Advent: having spent so much time on the Second Coming, now we look back, to remember the details of the Lord’s First Coming. Today … Continue reading

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Third Sunday of Advent

  “There stands among you, unknown to you, the one who is coming after me.” So who is coming? This Sunday’s readings help to answer that question. John the Baptist is asked about the coming of the Messiah – is … Continue reading

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Second Sunday in Advent

Make his paths straight Throughout the first three weeks of Advent our focus is very clearly on the Second Coming of the Lord – not so much on the run up to Christmas (until the last week). If we view … Continue reading

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